Before your next mammogram:
Each year, more than 37 million mammograms are performed in the United States. We have witnessed, some of us first-hand, how the early...
"When you know better, you do better."
This simple, yet profound quote from the incredible Maya Angelou best sums up my personal journey since surviving a heart attack at the...
We were almost too late!
Over the last two years, we have been doing a lot of awareness and education about Coronary Artery Calcium scans. You will recall that...
What do hearts & disco have in common?
When we were approached about collaborating with Winthrop University to create a “Stayin’ Alive” CPR event for their campus, we wanted to...
Wow! Have we been busy or what?
In January, we kicked off our 5th year of service. On New Year's Eve my husband, Bill, and I talked about the coming year. I remember...
A heart-to-heart chat ...
I remember the moment like it just happened yesterday. I was stretched out on the sofa, iPad in hand, reading everything I could find...
November is National Diabetes Month
Did you know that people with diabetes are twice as likely to develop heart disease or suffer a stroke, and at an earlier age compared to...
What you need to know before your next mammogram!
Just like you, I will soon don a hospital gown and endure the discomfort needed to get my annual mammogram. Typically, we face this exam...
Let's have a healthy start to the new school year!
There’s a reason why Heart2Heart spends a lot of our time at community events. It gives us a terrific opportunity to talk to parents and...