What are the warning signs of a heart attack?
Symptoms may include:
Severe pressure, fullness, squeezing, pain and/or discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes
Pain or discomfort that spreads to the shoulders, neck, arms, or jaw
Chest pain that increases in intensity
Chest pain that is not relieved by rest or by taking nitroglycerin
Chest pain that occurs with any/all of the following (additional) symptoms:
Sweating, cool, clammy skin, and/or paleness
Shortness of breath
Nausea or vomiting
Dizziness or fainting
Unexplained weakness or fatigue
Rapid or irregular pulse
Although chest pain is the key warning sign of a heart attack, it may be confused with indigestion, pleurisy, pneumonia, or other disorders. The symptoms of a heart attack may resemble other medical conditions or problems. Always consult your health care provider for a diagnosis.
Women may not experience the typical chest pain and some women who have had heart attacks say they thought they had flu symptoms. If you have any of these symptoms for more than 5 minites and are unsure of the reason, call 9-1-1 Immediately. Don't make excuses ... make the call!