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Statewide Screening Day - The Heart2Heart Foundation
Partner with us

The Heart2Heart Foundation has worked with South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and the S. C. Department of Health & Environmental Control (SCDHEC) to declare the third Thursday in February as the Statewide Screening Day.

In 2018, the official date will be Thursday, February 15 however we are encouraging our Statewide Screening Day partners to select the date(s) that work best for each participating community.  We will help promote all screenings dates and locations throughout Heart Month!


We need collaborative health care partners who can provide basic heart health screenings at no cost for at least one community event during Heart Month. The basic heart health screenings (typically) includes:  full lipid profile (cholesterol check), blood pressure check, blood glucose, BMI and basic risk assessment for heart disease.


Our SSD partners are also encouraged to offer additional screenings (e.g., A1-C, Vitamin D, C-Reactive Protein, EKG, Coronary Calcium Scoring) for a nominal fee.  Just let us know the details and we will help promote those services to the participants.  In areas where we expand our Advance Screening Scholarship Program, we will be happy to work with you to cover the costs for those at-risk women with financial barriers!


Heart2Heart will provide:

  • Coordination and media promotion for your Statewide Screening Day event

  • SSD T-shirts for your SSD Team

  • Heart2Heart Bags which includes educational and promotional items for each participant (our SSD Partners are encouraged to add your materials)

  • SSD 2018 follow-up report 

  • In-kind Contribution Letter in recognition of the screenings provided in your community

For those partners who have ongoing heart health screening programs, we will also continue to promote your community events on our website throughout 2018!


If you're ready to sign up, simply complete our SSD Partner Form

Should you have questions or need more information, please email us or call us at 803-524-5671 and we'll be happy to help you!


2018 Statewide Screening Day Partners


Receive a FREE CardioCheck Meter with your minimum order of strips & capillary tubes.

click here

to download special offer

To redeem this offer, make sure you send ALL orders to:

Bill Jerman

Moore Medical 


Thank you for participating in our #HowsYourTicker statewide heart health screening campaign!


© 2019 All Rights Reserved. The Heart2Heart Foundation, Inc.                     PRIVACY POLICY                       Website maintained by The Loner Group, LLC

Legal Medical Disclaimer 

The information on this  website is provided  for general information only.  It is NOT intended as a substitute for medical care. Please talk with your healthcare provider about the information you obtain from this website.  The Heart2Heart Foundation does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the site or in our community presentations. Screenings are made possible through a stratgeic partnership with local healthcare facilities and professionals.  No warranty of any kind, implied or expressed, is made as to the accuracy, completeness or appropriateness of content herein.


By entering events held by The Heart2Heart Foundation, you understand and agree that your photograph or image may be taken in any public place.  Photographs and videos taken of the event may be used for marketing and promotional purposes by The Heart2Heart Foundation and it's event partners.

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