Join your voice with ours as we raise awareness about the disparities in women's heart health care!
More than one in three women have some form of cardiovascular disease. That comes to over 6 million of us! Of that number, over two million have already suffered a heart attack.
In fact, since 1983, more of us have died from heart disease than men! Each year, we are losing around 400,000 mothers, sisters, best friends, co-workers ... to a disease that is largely preventable.
Heart disease kills 6x more women each year that ALL of the cancers combined! That includes lung, colon and breast cancer. Why don't we hear this? Why is it that primarily you only hear more about it in February during Heart Month?
A woman dies almost every minute of every day from heart disease. That's more than 1,000 women ... every day!
What is even more disturbing is that most women still don't understand that heart disease is her greatest health threat. Most of us don't recognize the warning signs or, when we do, we don't act on it perhaps out of denial or hoping that it's something else! What is incomprehensible is the fact that - despite the fact that more of us are dying each year than men - we are only included in the research about 25% of the time! That means that in all of the MILLIONS of dollars being awarded for research on heart disease, we are being intentionally left out!
What about those of us who have had a cardiac event? Sadly, studies show that most women are NOT being referred to cardiac rehabilitation. When you consider that around 40% of younger women who have a heart attack don't survive their first year after a heart attack, why would any doctor not prescribe cardiac rehab without hesitation? Sadly, studies show that in the past 30 years, 80% of women who qualified for cardiac rehab either didn't go or quit early!
Even the education, diagnosis and treatment of women with cardiac issues has disparities. For example, black women have a higher incidence of heart attacks in all age group. Black and Hispanic women tend to have more risk factors such as diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure at the time of their heart attack than non-Hispanic white women. Black women are also less likely to be referred for important treatments such as cardiac catheterization.
Don't you think we deserve a better future for ourselves, our daughters and our granddaughters
We need women, like YOU, to help us share this life-saving message!
As our thank you for your donation of $25 or more, we'll send you one of our #RedHeartMamas
The Purpose of #RedHeartMamas
Think about what the Pink Ribbon campaigns did to help not only raise awareness about breast cancer, educate women about the critical need for early detection and mammograms, and to mobilize women to demand better care. Think of the lives that have been saved because of this movement. Even young children know what the pink ribbon represents!
Where is our "pink ribbon?" How do we inspire women to take the message of prevention to their family members, neighbors, co-workers and community? How do we say with a unified voice, "We deserve better"? How many more women do we have to lose before we say "ENOUGH!"?
By joining #RedHeartMamas, you are pledging to be a part of this change. You are promising that you will share this message with the women in your life and become part of the solution. We can't wait for anyone else to start this movement. It begins with us. It begins today because too many women won't have a tomorrow.
It's FREE to join! If you would like one of our #RedHeartMamas T-shirts to show your support, please make a donation of $25 or more.
Sign up today and then share this page with your friends!
Proceeds from your donation will help provide free heart health educational materials, health screenings, scholarships for at-risk women,
and community presentations to educate women about heart disease, prevention and survival. Contact us for more information!