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Heart disease is the number one killer for both men and women in the U.S. and claims more than 600,000 lives each year.  In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 34 seconds. Each minute, someone in this country dies from a heart disease-related event. The symptoms of heart disease can be different in women and men, and are often misunderstood.


The good news is that approximately 80% of the risk factors leading to heart disease can be prevented or managed! That is why it is important to identify your risk factors and to know your numbers: blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting glucose, and body mass index (BMI).  This information can help you and your doctor create a plan for your heart health.


In recognition of National Heart Month,  The Heart2Heart Foundation along with health care providers from across the state will be helping South Carolinians gain a better understanding of their numbers through coordinating heart health screenings in their respective communities.  While this effort shines a light on one month of the year, all of the providers listed are committed to early screenings for heart disease throughout the year!

The Heart2Heart Foundation has worked with South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and the S. C. Department of Health & Environmental Control (SCDHEC) to declare the third Thursday in February as the Statewide Screening Day.

In 2016, the date will be Thursday, Feburary 18. Individuals throughout South Carolina will have the opportunity to participate in heart health screenings and risk assessments to learn their numbers.  Community events will be held during February to offer additional opportunities for heart health screenings and educational programs.




Health Care Providers from around the state have joined us in our mission to get as many women and men screened for heart disease as possible during this one morning during Heart Month. These organizations will also be offering additional screening opportunities so if Thursday, February 18th isn't convenient for you, check back with us for a list of additional screenings.


The basic heart health screening typically includes a check of your cholesterol, blood pressure, BMI, blood glucose and review of your medical/family history and risk factors.  Additional screenings available for a nominal fee vary by location.


Please note that you MUST fast for these screenings. Unless otherwise noted, make sure you call ahead for an appointment. Feel free to share your stories with us on Facebook and Twitter!


Contact us with any questions you may have.  Happy Heart Month!


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Strategic Founding Partners

Heart2Heart's Sheila & Bill Caldwell (far right) featured with SC Rep. Raye Felder and Lt. Gov. Henry McMaster as the organization is honored for its effort in creating the Statewide Screening Day!

Heart2Heart Board members Bill Caldwell, Nancy Todd, Sheila Caldwell, Deb Myers and Jimmie Sherrill with Governor Nikki Haley.

Our 2016 Statewide Screening Day event at the State House will be held in memory of Sentor Billy O'Dell of Greenwood who passed away on January 7th from a heart attack. 


During the screening events across South Carolina, we will celebrate survivors and remember the women and men we lost last year to this

silent but deadly disease!

Senator Billy O'Dell 

Statewide Screening Day Sponsors



join the movement!

click here for locations, times and details.


join the movement!

Statewide Screening Day locations include:

Anderson, Bluffton, Columbia, Fort Mill , Greenwood, Greenville, Lancaster, Mount Pleasant, Myrtle Beach, Rock Hill, Union and York


© 2019 All Rights Reserved. The Heart2Heart Foundation, Inc.                     PRIVACY POLICY                       Website maintained by The Loner Group, LLC

Legal Medical Disclaimer 

The information on this  website is provided  for general information only.  It is NOT intended as a substitute for medical care. Please talk with your healthcare provider about the information you obtain from this website.  The Heart2Heart Foundation does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the site or in our community presentations. Screenings are made possible through a stratgeic partnership with local healthcare facilities and professionals.  No warranty of any kind, implied or expressed, is made as to the accuracy, completeness or appropriateness of content herein.


By entering events held by The Heart2Heart Foundation, you understand and agree that your photograph or image may be taken in any public place.  Photographs and videos taken of the event may be used for marketing and promotional purposes by The Heart2Heart Foundation and it's event partners.

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