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Do you


The Coronary Artery Calcium Scan is intended for asymptomatic women or men. If you are experiencing symptoms, please seek immediate emergency assistance.

This advance screening is typically recommended for men at age 45+ or women at age 55+.



  • Family history of heart disease 

  • Smoker or second-hand smoke

  • High cholesterol

  • Overweight or obese

  • High blood pressure

  • Sedentary lifestyle

  • Diabetic or prediabetic




The first step toward assessing your risk for heart disease is to Know Your Numbers. Talk to your health care provider about a basic heart disease risk assessment or click here to find

a screening or lab near you.

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If you are at least 40 years of age, with one or more risk factors for heart disease, talk to your health care provider about a Coronary Artery Calcium Scan.

Is this screening right for you?


Do you have a family history of early heart disease?

A family history of "early" heart disease refers to a near relative who has experienced a cardiac event. Example: father/brother before the age of 55 or a mother/sister before the age of 65.


Are you wondering if a statin drug is right for you?

According to new guidelines released in 2018, a coronary calcium scan can be a useful tool in helping health care providers and patients weigh the benefits of a statin to help lower and control cholesterol.   


Do you or have you ever smoked?

Smoking or second-hand smoke puts you at higher risk of heart attack or stroke. 


Have you been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes?

People with diabetes tend to develop heart disease younger and are twice as likely to die from heart attack or stroke.


Have you experienced a cardiac event (heart attack, stent, etc), been previously diagnosed with heart disease or have had an abnormal coronary calcium score in the past?

If this is you, then the Coronary Artery Calcium Scan is not suggested however continued follow-up with your health care provider is highly recommended.



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PO Box 2991 | Rock Hill, SC 29732  |  Email us.

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Legal Medical Disclaimer 

The information on this website is provided for general information and education only.  It is NOT intended as a substitute for medical care. Please talk with your healthcare provider about the information you obtain from this website.  The Heart2Heart Foundation does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the site or in our community presentations. No warranty of any kind, implied or expressed, is made as to the accuracy, completeness or appropriateness of content herein by The Heart2Heart Foundation, Irish Heart Disease Awareness or any collaborative providers.  If you are experiencing any symptoms, call 9-1-1 for immediate emergency medical attention!

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