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Could a simple, 10-minute screening save your life?

Coronary Calcium Scoring is a simple, painless and non-invasive screening that can estimate your risk for cardiovascular events.

Watch this incredible documentary here for FREE!

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both women and men. 
For many ... the first warning sign is a heart attack or premature death!
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Contact us to schedule a community showing of "The Widowmaker" or schedule a speaker and educational presentation on calcium scoring.

Healthy Couple
Football Coach
Woman on Podium
Smiling Businesswoman

Think of it as a “mammogram” for your heart. Except you don’t have to undress, it’s painless,  is non-invasive and takes only about 10 minutes of your time!


A Coronary Artery Calcium Scan is one of the most advanced methods available today to detect heart disease in its earliest stages. This screening uses high-speed computerized tomography (CT) to scan your heart and detect calcium deposits.  Where there’s calcium, there’s plaque!


Taking into account other factors such as your age, family history and cholesterol level, your doctor will use your personal calcium score to measure your future risk for heart disease.                                                                 

                                                                                                           > continue reading


For some, it’s peace of mind. It means you keep following your plan of prevention. For those with scores that indicate a risk for heart disease, your health care provider can recommend a plan of prevention to help you slow the progression of the disease. The good news is that 80% of the risk factors contributing to heart disease can be prevented or managed!


When you consider that half the people who died suddenly from heart disease had no symptoms, early detection can not only help you live a healthier life but could, in fact, save your life!  


Learn how you can find out your calcium score!                         > continue reading


New guidelines from American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology  suggests that a coronary artery calcium scan could prove beneficial when deciding if a statin or aspirin therapy is appropriate. 


If you are over 40 years of age, talk to your doctor about getting your calcium score.




American Heart Association

American College of Cardiology

Johns Hopkins Medicine


Each year, here in the Carolinas, we lose over 37,000 women and men to heart disease and stroke! 

Nationally, we lose more than 610,000 loved ones to this largely preventable disease. Yet, for many of us, a heart attack ... a stroke ... or our premature death will be the first clue we have heart disease. 


Studies show that more than half of us who die from heart disease are under the age of 65. How many of those victims could have been saved through early detection, intervention and treatment?  


Please download our "I'm 4 the Score" flyer and post a photo of you on your social media pages to show your support for this awareness campaign.


If you have had a CAC scan, please share your story with others by posting it on our Facebook page! 

Your testimonial could encourage others to take the next step.


Upload your video or post your testimonial here.



#TestNotGuess Presented at SC Free Clinic Association Conference in Charleston


The Heart2Heart Foundation's President/Founder, Sheila Caldwell, provided clinic directors and providers with information about Coronary Calcium Scans. Objectives during the presentation was to provide education about the advance screening, eligibility requirements and how to coach patients about the scans. In addition, assistance was requested by attendees to help identify and populate an online directory of CAC providers and expansion of scholarship funds for at-risk women.


COMING SOON:  A webinar version of this presentation for case managers & staff.


Contact us for a Educational Presentation or community showing of "The Widowmaker"


© 2022 by The Heart2Heart Foundation.  All rights reserved/

PO Box 2991 | Rock Hill, SC 29732  |  Email us.

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The information on this website is provided for general information and education only.  It is NOT intended as a substitute for medical care. Please talk with your healthcare provider about the information you obtain from this website.  The Heart2Heart Foundation does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the site or in our community presentations. No warranty of any kind, implied or expressed, is made as to the accuracy, completeness or appropriateness of content herein by The Heart2Heart Foundation, Irish Heart Disease Awareness or any collaborative providers.  If you are experiencing any symptoms, call 9-1-1 for immediate emergency medical attention!

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