About us
The mission of The Heart2Heart Foundation is to inspire and enable women and their loved ones to take action that prevents heart attack, stroke, and premature death.
Our approach in the fight against heart disease focuses on three main efforts:
Awareness - most of us learn we have heart disease only after we suffer a heart attack or, worse, our family finds out when we have died. We must change this!
Action - early detection saves lives and since 80% of heart disease can be prevented or managed, getting a risk assessment could help you prevent or stop the progression of the disease. Heart disease is personal; it starts with you!
Advocacy - our grassroots efforts depend upon women and men who will share our message of prevention with their family, friends and community.
With encouragement from former SC Governor Nikki Haley, we launched the Statewide Screening Day in February of 2015. The third Thursday of February was declared as the official day for South Carolina however in just a few short years, the program grew to include heart health screening events throughout the month and was re-branded as the #HowsYourTicker Statewide Screening Campaign. The program also grew beyond Heart Month as we continue to help provide and promote screenings all year long!
Since the launch of this effort in 2015, we have helped almost 4,000 women and men learn their risk for heart disease and, most importantly, how to win the fight against our #1 killer. This includes the basic heart health screenings as well as advance screenings like the Coronary Artery Calcium Scans.
In recognition of National Heart Month, The Heart2Heart Foundation along with health care providers from across the state will be helping South Carolinians gain a better understanding of their numbers through coordinating heart health screenings in their respective communities. The screenings are donated by the providers and are available at little to no cost to the participant.
Each of our screening participants receives on-site coaching about their risk factors, referrals to health care providers ( as needed) and one of our free #HowsYourTicker bags filled with heart health educational resources. Our scholarship program for at-risk women also helps cover the cost for the Coronary Artery Calcium Scans.
NOTE: Little did we know that our Statewide Screening event at the State House in Columbia in 2020 would be our last. Within a few weeks after this event, the world stopped as the pandemic ravaged our communities. Most of our health care provider partners have suspended all community screening programs. In the meantime, we can help women and men across the US learn their risk for heart disease by scheduling basic or advance biometric screenings through our partner, YourLabWork!

Heart2Heart's Sheila & Bill Caldwell (far right) featured with South Carolina Representative Raye Felder, Palmetto Health's Regina Brown and South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster as we are honored for our Statewide Screening Campaign.

Heart2Heart Board members Bill Caldwell, Nancy Todd, Sheila Caldwell, Deb Myers and Jimmie Sherrill with then SC Governor Nikki Haley